Sunday, January 8, 2012

Today...sort of.

Just got back from church. I live like....thirty minutes away from my church, but I wouldn't trade churches for anything. I have gone there for...almost thirteen years!! I don't really like Sunday School, but it's okay. It's kind of hard for me to sit still the whole hour because of my ADD. Plus our teacher doesn't let us talk or ask questions, which to me is really really hard. But besides that it's pretty cool. I'm trying to get my mom to get me and ipod touch for my birthday (in two weeks) and it's not going as planned. Then I told her just to give me money ($150) and that's also not going great. But change of subject. So I am a fourteen year old girl and I already have my baby names planned out. Yeah I'm weird. I have like sixty pages of baby names...which is about six thousand names. I have a lot of free time on my hands so don't judge. Okay so today my friend Lindie told us a joke. So I hope you all know what LOL means because if you don't...well you don't. So this thought LOL meant Lots of Love, so when her mom died she texted her daughter and said "Gramma just died, LOL." I really did LOL. Because someone really needs to teach theirmom what LOL means. So my friend Cayre is dating my other friend Kollin. And when Cayre is on her 'monthly' Kollin says "Have you met TOM?' TOM means Time Of Month...yeah I just got that. This is a very random post...can't really think about anything to talk I'll blog later:)

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